Archive for June, 2015


I just realized ‘Spaceballs’ isn’t on Netflix anymore.

As someone who loves scifi movies of all kinds, my favorite being Stanley Kubrick’s  ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (just in case… you were wondering), Mel Brooks’ ‘Spaceballs’ was the culmination of all I could have ever wanted from a space parody.

It was funny, it didn’t take itself too seriously, they broke the 4th wall constantly and they acknowledged the ridiculousness that can sometimes come from the genre.  They made jokes that were way over my head as a child, but that only lends itself to going back and rewatching it as an adult.  It gives you a greater appreciation for the movie even almost 30 years after its release.

If you’ve seen any Mel Brooks film, you probably know the type of over-the-top, not-PC humor you’ll be getting yourself into.  But if you’re one of those unfortunate few to have never seen one of them, I definitely recommend starting with ‘Spaceballs,’ especially for you nerds out there.  It’s got man-child issues, really big ships, a Winnebago and matched luggage! It’s really fun; you won’t regret it.  I promise.

Great phrases – like: “Combing the desert,” “going plaid” and even “asshole” – will have bright, shiny new meanings once you’ve seen this movie.  You’ll be able to understand more old, pop-culture references too.  Then you can be all hipster and pretend you knew about it before it was cool (it was cool along time ago, kid).

The worst part, as I mentioned at the beginning, is that ‘Spaceballs’ unfortunately isn’t on Netflix anymore.   It used to be but it’s not anymore … for some reason.  I’ll trust the Schwartz that it’ll be back on there soon.   If not, it still can be seen on classic movie channels from time-to-time as well as being available for rent on platforms like Amazon video.


So unless you’ve been living under a rock, there is no secret that Star Wars VII is coming out. You may have re-watched (or planned to re-watch) the other 6 movies to get yourself hyped up for the movie. Or, if you’re like some people and are just reminding yourself of how good Star Wars once was, just in case the new movie doesn’t live up to expectations.

What you may have missed is there is a movie that is not a part of Star Wars, but still critical to your appreciation. That movie is Mel Brooks’ “Space Balls.” If you have seen the movie, this post will just remind you of how awesome it is. If you haven’t seen the movie, what is wrong with you?! Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh, but the movie has always been one of my favorites and is definitely worth a watch if you have the means of doing so.

That escalated quickly.

You might be asking “Dave, what kind of movie is Space Balls?” Well, this might be hard to do, but imagine one of the Scary Movies (the parody ones by the Wayan’s Brothers) and then make it legitimately funny. Yes, some of the humor is a bit dated, after all the movie was made back in 1987. That being said, it is one of the most quotable movies to this day. To top it all off, this movie has a stacked cast. Mel Brooks, John Candy, Rick Moranis, and Michael Winslow are just some of the familiar faces you will see along the way.

It’s hard for me to give too much of a preview for this movie, because it is absolute madness at some points. It cleverly parodies some of the greatest movies of all time, extending beyond just the Star Wars theme. If I had to give this movie a score out of 100, it’s a solid 90 to me. That might be nostalgia kicking in, but I thought this movie was funny when I was a kid, and now that I understand more of the jokes, I find it funnier.

Pro-tip of the day: Watch this movie with friends, later on you can be nerds and quote this movie back in forth. It’ll keep you off the streets and away from drugs.

Don’t be this guy.